On television,they callagainto donate.Wealsoask youfor donations. No,we do not wantyour money. We wantyour ideas,so we do nothave tobe bored tomorrow again. Butdespiteboredom, we report onourday. The awesome4 onTroublemakerStreet
You do not knowwhat I mean?Thenyou can read it below the4th weekofthebuggers. What do they needsuch a greatplace to sleep?I also want tohave such agreatbasket.
Below usis a pig.You will notbelievebutbecauseofMamahasgiven birth tofourpuppies.Therewereonlythreepuppiesandan adultpig. If youdo not believeus,thenreadbelowto4th week. See you soon EmilNilssonandKarlsson
Well people, here arestatesthatyoucannotimagine.Technicaleducationissomething went wronginthis household.Butluckily wearebigger and strongerevery dayandcansoontake the helminhand. Thenreturnheredecencyand morality. For detailslook on theusualplace. The awesome4onTroublemakerStreet