Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Our year 2015

An exciting year comes to an end!
The greatest excitement were the big skin problemes of our Carlotta in the summer months. But thanks our veterinarian she is now again super. Thank you to him at this point.
Our breeding enriched our year with their numerous Whatsapp reports, photos and visits. Thanks to their owners who let us participate in the life of Emil Nilsson and Karlsson and take so great care to Mia Lotta's brothers.
Mia Lotta didn't want her mother's honorary title chick. Rather, she has earned her own nickname. Our little sunshine enriches our lifes and also the lifes of Maya, Carlotta and Ellie.
Of course we were also on dog shows this year. Our sofa roll and exhibition professional Ellie was able to add the German Champion VDH, German Champion KfT and the champion Czech Republic to their collection. However, she was not always thrilled that their children accompany her on exhibition.
Their children were all issued in the puppy class with very promising. In the junior class the launch of The awesome 4 on Troublemaker Street fell out mixed. But the main task of the four is to live their lifes as sofa rolls and family members. The dog show visits are really a sideline and no major occupation.
For the coming year we hope that we can all stay healthy and that the many small and large dreams and wishes come true.
Now we want you to show the pictures of our Christmas stroll.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas

If we open our hearts to love,
then let us not freeze snow and ice,
then we can do that, what happened yesterday and today, not frighten.
Because only love can cold and worry in the darkness disappear
and sends us hopeful thoughts for each new day,
for whatever may come tomorrow.

We wish you a wonderful Christmas
and a lot of love in the New Year,
thus disappear cold and worries and you accompany by hopeful

Maya, Carlotta, Ellie, Mia Lotta and the fridge-opener

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Holidays in the Bavarian Forest

Hello dear readers!
We relax in the Bavarian Forest, as it should be, we have the best weather. Finally, we are always well-behaved.
The fridge-opener have found a great walking round. Now we go every morning to the dog fitness course and there have so much fun.
So that we can conserve our forces in between, the fridge-opener have taken our dog cart. But for Ellie and Mia Lotta is no place in it, except we just do not need it.
Because on the dog fitness course, we are of course always in action.

Of course, as a fitness walk is quite exhausting and in the evening we are really tired.
But we are totally good and also the young ones can behave class, so we are welcome everywhere and the people are very enthusiastic.
Holiday is great and luckily we were this year.

Our first birthday

Karlsson and I have celebrated two birthdays.
Once on 24 October and once on 31 October.
On October 24, the day of our first birthday we were on the exhibition floor of the OG Ammersee. There I got from the judge Mrs Dollmann a funny birthday gift. The fridge-opener were very happy about the note and the funny thing with the blue-yellow cord. On the paper stood that I got a Exc 1 JCAC JVDH. Karlsson has got a VG2, probably because he did not listen to my advice. Wise guy. But because he sees what he has them.
  In the evening we celebrated vigorously with Mum, Maya, Carlotta and the fridge-opener.
Thank you, Karlsson's fridge-opener, for the great photos.

On October 31, then we had at Karlsson's home the big party. We  threw us during the walk in our birthday robe, but the fridge-opener were not enthusiastic, so we still able to celebrate a bathing party. Carlotta, the spoilsport has not participated. She always wants like from the fridge-opener.
See you soon
Mia Lotta

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The first birthday

We wish you
The awesome Emil on Troublemaker Street
The awesome Nilsson on Troublemaker Street
The awesome Karlsson on Troublemaker Street
The awesome Mia Lotta on Troublemaker Street
all the best to your first birthday.
Let you from your fridge-opener pampered today.
Karin, Stefanie, Michael, Maya, Carlotta and Ellie
Unfortunately the video is only in German, but perhaps our foreign visitors interested in the photos.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

We are back ...

... from a longer website break.
The fridge-opener were professionally and personally very busy and that's why our website was on break.
It is also rather little happened. Mama, Emil and I were once or twice on show. In addition, I visited with Maya and Carlotta my brothers.
With Karlsson we were in early September in the Deer Park in Pforzheim. There was a lot of stuff for sniffing.
At Nilsson's home, we have made the garden uncertain and practiced for our next group photo.
In addition, while cleaning up the computer images are shown up yet from me in Ludwigshafen. Karlsson's mistress took it of us.
See you soon
Mia Lotta

Friday, August 21, 2015

Many news!!!!

Hi people!
Unfortunately had the fridge-opener a lot of work in the past few weeks, so that our website has not been updated, although a lot was going on.
Here is a summary:
Ellie's titles are officially confirmed
Nilsson and Mia Lotta and Ellie were on shows
If you click on the links you will find the right point on our website.
In addition, the sites of Emil and Nilsson and Karlsson and Mia Lotta refreshed.
In the next few days then you are allowed to throw a look into our trim room.

Friday, July 24, 2015

We are nine months

Starting today, we are finally no longer puppies, but young dogs.
We four still have close contact with each other and share with Whatsapp regularly our ideas for annoying the fridge-openers and photos.
Here is a little insight into our development in recent months.

The photos are under the copyright of our puppy owners and us and the photos can not be copied / reused without their or our permission.
Slowly we also look like real West Highland White Terrier !!!!
See you soon
The awesome 4 on Troublemaker Street

Monday, July 20, 2015

I could burst with pride ...

... and the same with the fridge-opener.
On Sunday was presented with The awesome Nilsson on Troublemaker Street, the fourth and last puppy from my A-litter in the show ring. The judge gave him a VP2 for his first show appearance.
All judges evaluated my children with VP, although they live like little sofa rolls and enjoyed no special exhibition training. Instead, they go for a walk every day, splash in their water mussels, digging holes in the lawn, learning seat and place and experience elsewhere the things that a dog should make everyday.
The small professional under The awesome 4 on Troublemaker Street is my little daughter, the sunshine in the pack. She started twice in the baby class and three in the puppy class. In her last appearance in the puppy class on Sunday she received a VP1 and was the 4th Best Puppy in Show.
My own result became a minor matter, although I now fulfill the conditions for the German Champion KFT with my V1 VDH RCAC.
PS: Many thanks to our puppy owners, who made it possible that all the puppies from Ellie and Picott Happy Naux started in the puppy class and have shown that even sofa rolls are very promising.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Coolers, cooling blankets and Karlsson's grand entrance

Hi people!
First we would like to thank the inventors of ice packs and cooling blankets, that made the day for us yesterday bearable!
Yesterday mum, my sister and I were on the  show of the OG Regensburger Land. Mia Lotta just told me on Friday night, as you have to behave at a real show. I acted as if I am grateful for her help. But I'm not stupid, that little stand and walk I would have done it without explanation.
My breeder-mums were with my fridge-opener and me completely satisfied. Kathrin handeld me herself. I got a VP2 and that in the evening Mia Lotta could not annoy me, she also received a VP2. I'm really grateful to the judge, thus the little was nt able to wear her nose high. In addition, we got both a toy. Mum received a Exc 3.
After our shows we were able to immediately bathe in the nearby stream.

It was a beautiful day and today I was allowed to remain sooooo long with Mia and Lotta play with her.
(Thank you for the photos, Kathrin!)
See you soon
PS: Many thanks to Kathrin who collected with Karlsson yesterday her first show experience. We are proud of you.

Monday, June 22, 2015

My children and me on tour

Hello people!
On June 13th I was with my children Emil and Mia Lotta in Mladá Boleslav.
While my children should get to know the exhibition life even better, all hoped that I get my last CAC for the Czech Champion.
The sun beat down from the sky, but we had chilled blankets and plenty of water there and so it was pleasant for us dogs in the tent.
Emil and Mia Lotta behaved as small show professionals, while they waiting for their performances. Well, the learning theorists Bandura (observational learning, imitation learning, ...) recognized that there can not go wrong with me as a model.
Finally, I sit obediently in the box and wait relaxed and laid back on my appearance.
The judge liked my two little ones both and gave them a VP1 with great reports.
After Emil and Mia Lotta had finished, I was able to got a Exc1 CAC in the ring and have fulfilled the conditions for Czech Champion.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Carlotta's 11th birthday

We wish Carlotta all the best and very much health to her birthday!
Maya, Ellie, Mia Lotta und die Kühlschranköffner

PS: Thank you very much to wishers to Whatsapp!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

I AM A...

I find it completely unfair, that Emil and Nilsson and Karlsson put me without any problems at the back.
If you want to see me continue, then you have to kiss my paws and cross my doorstep lying on the backs.
Otherwise, I let only your fridge-opener in my apartment. Because of Royal Highness must kisses to the paws  and bow to her.
Gifts should also bring to her. So you wrote that behind your ears!

Fortunately Karlsson's Kathrin thought to bring me a gift, that has me at least somewhat mollified. Because my brother has not a good behaviour. He has not kissed my feet and has not bowed.
But I have taken revenge on him !!!
Karlsson asked me on Friday to hide the trim stuff. But the favor I did not do, because I knew already that he will show me again, who is the stronger.
So he had to go back to the table and has sooooo much fur lost. This is a punishment, for that I have to be so much on the back.
So if you can keep a secret for you, then I will tell you, that I am really glad, when my brothers come. But the three do not know this, otherwise they believe that I like to lie on my back.
See you soon
Mia Lotta

Monday, June 1, 2015

We know...

... how to please visit. That's why we have specially flown in our house hug-er for the visit of my little sister and the aunts.
On Monday my big brother Laurin and I showed my little sister Mia Lotta and its annex our home. The little girl is raging with me through the garden and the living room. We had so much fun.
Since Laurin and I always eat good, we had of course really great weather.
Unfortunately, the fridge-opener chatted and now knows the little my nickname and my biggest secret. Why can not they shut their mouths. It does not have any know that I'll sometimes called Uli, because I was a prisoner like Uli Hoeneß. Thankfully those days are over now and I also have educated my fridge-opener. Anyway I never understood, why they thought, that the stairs are too dangerous for me.
I think the breeder-mums and Mia Lotta found the story quite funny. Thank goodness I don't have the stupid nickname now. Nobody want to have this name: Uli.
From my upbringing arts Mia Lotta was thrilled, because as good as I she doesn't have her fridge-opener under control.
Here are photos of our meeting:

See you soon

PS: Oh, the younger breeder-mum can remain in the future at home, because we want to keep our fur! So please remember next time that you do not pack her, Mia Lotta.

PPS: Thanks to Andrea and Ralf for the great day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A own garden ....

.. that would be great.
Unfortunately, we do not have a garden, but a terrace. But from time to time we visit our dogfriends may rummage through their garden.
Luckily the beginning of May, the weather was good enough so that we could make Finja's garden uncertain.
While the fridge-opener ate delicious cake and talked about all sorts of people things, we enjoyed the sun.

PS: Tomorrow Nilsson reported, because we visited Laurin and him on Monday at home.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Now you know...

My brother Karlsson has recognized with whom he is dealing.
Specially a red carpet rolled out to my greeting and a sign attached.
When playing and romping I forgot that I am a Royal Highness and not allowed to get me dirty. Kalsson, Mama and I flitted through the forest and the garden. Carlotta and Maya had about everything one eye.
We had a lot of fun with Karlsson and his fridge-opener. 
Here's another photo of Karlsson, Mama and me.
Bye for now
Her Royal Highness Mia Lotta the 1st

PS: Our diligent fellow readers at home and abroad are welcome to leave pawprints in our guestbook.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Nearly seven month

Hello everybody!
After a long break I am back to report! Unfortunately humans and dogs were ill and that's why I can only now talk about me and my brothers. (People are soooo sniveling.)
Last month my brothers and I become six months. We continue to have regular and close contact. Thanks Whats app we can send photos and share our great ideas. We have become real little westies and continue to grow splendidly. Nilsson was with his family and his own home twice on vacation. Karlsson infested a dog hotel last week. Unfortunately, Emil and I have to wait for this experience. All we know also the water outside the bathtubs and showers. And what can I say to you: That it is much better!
In dog schools we study hard and know how to be as good. But be good is boring, because we can all agree.
Here are a few photos from our correspondence.
The photos are under the copyright of our puppy owners and us and not allowed to be copied/ reused without their or our permission.
In the next days I reported my last meeting with Karlsson and Carlotta will tell about our visit to Finja.
Bye for now
Mia Lotta

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My weekly date

Hello friends!
Since a few weeks I have a great date each week.
Have you guessed what I'm doing with my date?
I go to dog physiotherapy. There I get laser therapy, massage and walk on the underwater treadmill.
On my first visit I was a little unsure, but now I enter tail wagging the room and look forward to see my physiotherapists.
The fridge-opener are thrilled, because of the treatments walking is for me much easier. I would even go hunting again.
In addition, I also get exercises shown for home.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Congratulations and Thanks

Hello people!
First, we congratulate Ellie subsequently warmly to her third birthday.
Unfortunately, Ellie, Emil and Mia Lotta yesterday returned late from Chemnitz, so we can only report today.
Emil mastered his first show great. He showed great in the show ring and had an exemplary behavior off the ring. He got VP1. In his report, stands next to his physical advantages that he shows a great interest. Above all this praise makes us all very proud of the little guy.
His sister, so our witch Lotta Mia, stole her brother even the show. Because she got VP1 and the award Best Baby of Breed. In Mia Lotta's report was cited, that she was funny in the ring.
The mum of two showys only got VG 1. However, Mrs. Dollmann took the time to justify her decision. Therefore, Ellie was at the vet today. There it was found that when the brave mouse a bunion is inflamed inside and why Mrs. Dollmann complained about her walking. Even at the vet she tried not to show her pain during either the repeated up and down running, and when he pressed the bales.
Now we want to thank very much Family Neubig, that they gave us Emil for the show and they are so great to take care of him and has made such a great little man of him. You're on a great path. Keep it up!!!!
In addition, we would like to also thank Mrs. Dollman, that she judged Ellie thoroughly and we therefore came up with the idea to go to a doctor with Ellie.
Here are some photos of Emil and Mia Lotta next to the ring.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Emil and I create

... the right mood.
We took advantage of the nice weather yesterday and made the terrace unsafe.
With Emil you can play so great, then he lays also on his back.
We can really equal measure our strength.
Maya and Carlotta see our activites from a safe distance.
See you soon
Mia Lotta

Sunday, April 12, 2015

All good things come in threes.

So I give the word to my brother The awesome Nilsson on Troublemaker Street.
Mia Lotta

Hello people,
Today I visited the breeder moms and my little sister. Of course I brought my fridge-opener Andrea and Ralf and my brother Laurin with me.
We romped together through the woods and I showed Mia Lotta what I've learned. I'm going namely diligently to dog school and practice so that I'll be a great sport dog.
After the walk we all rested on the patio and enjoyed the sun, which has now provided for warm weather.
We have already agreed that the next time I get a visit from my sister. Finally, I have to show her where I live now.
So we hear us again.
PS: As a gentleman, I have set for my little sister volunteered on the back. The child should not despair.

Today I ...

... stolen my mum the show.
On my first exhibition today in Ostrava (CZ) I have got a VP 1 from Mrs. Strusova (CZ). The fridge-opener were very happy about my result, because babies of other races the judge gave promising. I believe that the fridge-opener was afraid that I only got a P. But the judge has lots of great things written about me: excellent temperament, etc.
Well, I am a West Highland White Terrier, why I should not have excellent temperament.
Because Mrs. Strusova fall in love with me Mum only got a VG 2, but so is the business. You can not always win.
Unfortunately, there are no photos of the ring as the fridge-opener forgot the memory card for the camera and the mobile photos did not turn.

See you soon
Mia Lotta

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Back in the puppy home

A big hello to all my fans!
On Saturday I was back in my puppy home.
After an extensive welcome, I realized that in my puppies kingdom everything has changed. It was funny to see that Mia Lotta and the others live under similar conditions as myself. In my imagination, I assumed that the little witch lives still in the puppie outlet. But no, the jumps with the confidence of the house just as I get home. We are also jointly went for a walk in the woods. This reminded me a bit of the Caribbean.
However, my little sister is a very unreliable partner. Although she should hide all the knives, scissors and similar, but she didn't do it. So the fridge-opener again stole me a part of my fur. With the fur could have been tinkering me a brother at home.

It was a great day in Nuremberg with my sister, and I hope she comes to visit me soon.
Up soon

Yours, Karlsson

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Away there ...

now I come.
With Finja I can play great, she has lots of power, just like my brothers and me.
On our last visit we had really great weather and have the whole afternoon romp in the garden. The fridge-opener and Finja's can-opener ate delicious cakes and the great enjoyed the sun.
So I put Maya and Carlotta really in my heart, but they don't play with me very often. From time to time they play a short moment with me, but they lack the necessary perseverance.
Luckily I have my brothers and Fin,ja who like to run around with me.
Until tomorrow, then I talk about Karlsson's visit last weekend.

Mia Lotta

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My supervisor ...

... or perhaps you dream!!!!
From because I need a big brother to watch over me!!!!
Emil has probably not all cups in the cupboard. I need certainly no brother to watch over me. My brothers serve to measure my strength, because I can take care of myself.
But it's great to have a brother, who lives in the area, because you get sooooo many visits. Sorry, the fridge-opener forgot so mostly the camera. That's mean, that I have been looking for it some time before, that it drives the notch machine. After she is not even to take care of uploading the pictures, I have now grabbed the computer and do this job.
So here are the photos of Emil and me. The first is from one of our many woodland walks and the second of Emil's visit to trim. No, you have no pity on him. The entire pity you can send me, after all I was trimmed before Emil.

See you tomorrow
Mia Lotta

PS: Tomorrow I have pictures of my last visit to Finya, who is also already some time ago and the day after there are the latest images by Karlsson, who visited me at the weekend.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Reunion with Mia Lotta

Hello Friends!
Long you have not heard and seen by me. But now it's that time again. Today I THE AWESOME KARLSSON ON TROUBLE MAKER STREET take again the word.
After I control my fridge-opener very good, I was able to invite my little sister, breeders-mums Maya and Carlotta to my house. My mum stayed at home, after all, I wanted to run around alone with Mia Lotta through the area and are not patronized by mum.
Of course, I have my visit prepares a fitting reception. On my order cakes was baked for my breeder-mums and genuine Swabian pretzels were there for dinner.
But before the cake meal I once showed Mia Lotta my forest. Actually, we could have gone off alone, but the fridge-opener, Maya and Carlotta were allowed to accompany us. Finally, they should not get bored.

After coffee and cake the coat was pulled over my ears. If I would have been told that before, I would have unloaded the breeder-moms and only Mia Lotta can com. Ugh, devil !! Thus, a vile and I gave the order to prepare even a very nice photo album for breeders-mums and my fridge-opener gave it them, even though they saw that I was abused. With whom I have to speak a serious word.
After plucking all I have shown my great garden.

It was a great afternoon and we will certainly do it again. I gave Mia Lotta a farewell a blanket. Much like my only pink. Pink is finally the right color for a girl.
See you soon

PS: Many thanks to Ute, Kathrin and Jörg for the many and beautiful gifts. The photo album is absolutely great. Thanks also Karlsson found such a great home with you.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

I was in Poland!

Hello everybody !!!
Today I was alone to pursue my hobby. Yes, you read that right. I was without my daughter on show.
The little one visited yesterday without me her brother Karlsson and since I had no desire to take her to Poland today.
(The fridge-opener told Mia Lotta that the long drive for her is nothing more, and who believed them the tale to happiness.)
I enjoyed it very much to stand alone in the middle of the action and behaved exemplary during the hairdressing.
Unfortunately, I did not quite hit the taste of the judge and had to put others first. But he gave me still a Exc 2.
But I enjoyed the day.
Here are a few photos from today: