Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A own garden ....

.. that would be great.
Unfortunately, we do not have a garden, but a terrace. But from time to time we visit our dogfriends may rummage through their garden.
Luckily the beginning of May, the weather was good enough so that we could make Finja's garden uncertain.
While the fridge-opener ate delicious cake and talked about all sorts of people things, we enjoyed the sun.

PS: Tomorrow Nilsson reported, because we visited Laurin and him on Monday at home.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Now you know...

My brother Karlsson has recognized with whom he is dealing.
Specially a red carpet rolled out to my greeting and a sign attached.
When playing and romping I forgot that I am a Royal Highness and not allowed to get me dirty. Kalsson, Mama and I flitted through the forest and the garden. Carlotta and Maya had about everything one eye.
We had a lot of fun with Karlsson and his fridge-opener. 
Here's another photo of Karlsson, Mama and me.
Bye for now
Her Royal Highness Mia Lotta the 1st

PS: Our diligent fellow readers at home and abroad are welcome to leave pawprints in our guestbook.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Nearly seven month

Hello everybody!
After a long break I am back to report! Unfortunately humans and dogs were ill and that's why I can only now talk about me and my brothers. (People are soooo sniveling.)
Last month my brothers and I become six months. We continue to have regular and close contact. Thanks Whats app we can send photos and share our great ideas. We have become real little westies and continue to grow splendidly. Nilsson was with his family and his own home twice on vacation. Karlsson infested a dog hotel last week. Unfortunately, Emil and I have to wait for this experience. All we know also the water outside the bathtubs and showers. And what can I say to you: That it is much better!
In dog schools we study hard and know how to be as good. But be good is boring, because we can all agree.
Here are a few photos from our correspondence.
The photos are under the copyright of our puppy owners and us and not allowed to be copied/ reused without their or our permission.
In the next days I reported my last meeting with Karlsson and Carlotta will tell about our visit to Finja.
Bye for now
Mia Lotta

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My weekly date

Hello friends!
Since a few weeks I have a great date each week.
Have you guessed what I'm doing with my date?
I go to dog physiotherapy. There I get laser therapy, massage and walk on the underwater treadmill.
On my first visit I was a little unsure, but now I enter tail wagging the room and look forward to see my physiotherapists.
The fridge-opener are thrilled, because of the treatments walking is for me much easier. I would even go hunting again.
In addition, I also get exercises shown for home.