Saturday, October 24, 2015

The first birthday

We wish you
The awesome Emil on Troublemaker Street
The awesome Nilsson on Troublemaker Street
The awesome Karlsson on Troublemaker Street
The awesome Mia Lotta on Troublemaker Street
all the best to your first birthday.
Let you from your fridge-opener pampered today.
Karin, Stefanie, Michael, Maya, Carlotta and Ellie
Unfortunately the video is only in German, but perhaps our foreign visitors interested in the photos.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

We are back ...

... from a longer website break.
The fridge-opener were professionally and personally very busy and that's why our website was on break.
It is also rather little happened. Mama, Emil and I were once or twice on show. In addition, I visited with Maya and Carlotta my brothers.
With Karlsson we were in early September in the Deer Park in Pforzheim. There was a lot of stuff for sniffing.
At Nilsson's home, we have made the garden uncertain and practiced for our next group photo.
In addition, while cleaning up the computer images are shown up yet from me in Ludwigshafen. Karlsson's mistress took it of us.
See you soon
Mia Lotta