Monday, July 15, 2013

Shoving not apply!

Hello people!
Actually, the vegetable would jostle today again to the fore, but that does not apply.
Finally, this is also our website and we need to urgently inform you about the mistreatment by the fridge-opener.
If you ask them, they are claiming, that we are hypersensitive and little whiner, but that's not true! Carlotta's fridge-opener has pulled the wool over our ears and Maya's fridge-opener has prevented us from escaping.
We have every reason to complain us loudly here and we are looking also for the address of the nearest police station for dogs concerns.
So vegetable, now you can tell and a photo of our new hairstyle Send follow as soon as possible.
Thanks to the two whiners that they generously let me have the keys.
I can not understand why the two make for a bit of trimming such a theater. On Saturday I was on show and got my hairstyling. And I sat like an angel on the grooming table. Well, almost like an angel I do not want to exaggerate. The judge Mrs. Rigney gave me and my look a Exc 3. So I must have really well done my thing.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Loops also do not taste

Hello you!
At the weekend I was to double exhibition on the Possen. On Saturday I got from Mr. Zidar a Exc.3. This was my fifth Exc. in Germany on my sixth German exhibition in junior class. I think, I may already be proud of me. Finally, I must work with amateurs and I also can not compensate everything.
On Sunday I will get from Mrs. Zidar Exc.1 JCAC JVDH and a loop. Whether the judges ever learn that I'm only interested in edible rewards?
Well, at least the fridge-opener know about my preferences and have spoiled me tidy with treats for my hard work.

PS: Thanks to my breeder-mom, she has always an open ear and good advice for Carlotta's fridge-opener. Hope to see you again soon.

Friday, July 5, 2013

We got yet another gift

Hello you! 
Santa Claus isn't  coming before Christmas or do you know another party  were the fridge-opener  give gifts?
Well actually it does not matter, because getting gifts is fun.
This time, Maya's fridge-opener stitched us a beautiful blanket for the grooming-table.
But see for yourself here:

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

We got a kennel name and the right gift.

Hello people!
Our Kühlschranköffner have ordered us a kennel name.
Actually we do not know, why we need it, but we'll tell you the kennel name.
The fridge-opener used as a basis the children's book by Astrid Lindgren "The children on Troublemaker Street". The fridge-opener must have gone crazy, as if we are troublemakers.
In any case the name of our kennel called "on Troublemaker Street".
Today the fridge-opener have used the rainy weather and created us a gift.